​These testimonials were submitted by people who have met and had readings from Ruthie.


Hi Ruthie, I've been meaning to reach out to you to say hello, and how much our session with you still means to my mom, Judy and me. Also to let you know you were spot on about my relationship future with my fiancé Kevin! You had said 'something was going to happen at Christmas and last year he put a lovely engagement ring on one of the branches on the Christmas tree. So you called it! Very special to hear it from you first! Things are well here, and my mom is ever grateful for that special afternoon we spent with you and our dear ones who have passed. You have such a gift! We are blessed our paths crossed. Hope you're well, and thank you again for all you do! Blessings, Susan & Judy in Barrington, RI

Thank you so much for the phone Reading this morning Ruthie! I feel like after such an emotional experience, that I should be, well, emotional. Just the opposite really. I have been smiling all morning. I just can't thank you enough for being the person you are and helping people who seek you out. Truly enlightening and spiritually healing indeed. I can feel it. I very much look forward to when I am in Massachusetts again, because I will most certainly be taking the time to meet you in person. Thank you again, so much! -Gina in Oregon

I saw Ruthie last year sometime after I lost my sons father. She was able to bring me the closure I was never given when he left as well as the tactics to cope and achieve the life I wanted for my family. I have been on quite the journey after his passing. The impact and change that she has had on my life is incredibl. After seeing her I felt empowered, strong, and at peace finally. I am now in nursing school, fulfilling my dreams as a nurse while raising our son. I am forever grateful for the light and love she shined on us. She is truly an Angel. -Jennifer M. in Weymouth, MA 

I scheduled my appointment with Ruthie to be a few days after my birthday. I thought I would treat myself and do something fun. Ruthie gave me the best birthday present I could ever ask for. She gave me insight into past loved ones, confirmation about the path I am currently on, and hope for the future.  She was sincere and honest. She has a very warm and welcoming personality. Her visions were spot on. She knew things about my past that very few people know about. She even talked about events that have happened in my life as recent as this week. I truly believe in her capabilities and was so happy I decided to take the drive out to the suburbs… it was worth every moment. -Melissa J. in Boston, MA  

​Dear Ruthie, I am writing to tell you how much you have greatly impacted my life. My Son Bobby transitioned to Heaven on May 15, 2013 suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 22. I was lost, devastated and my Heart was completely shattered. I made my first of many appointments with you on December 30, 2013, I desperately needed validation and confirmation that my Son was okay and happy. The minute I walked in your door, I felt this serene calm come over me. You greeted me with a genuine and compassionate hug and I was immediately at ease. 

Before my reading even started, Bobby was coming through to you and wanting to give me messages. I could feel him in the room with us! You gave me messages and validations from my Son, so I knew it was really him there speaking to you. To say I was blown away is an understatement. You told me things that no one knew and you couldn't have possibly known. You held my hands the whole time and comforted me while I cried. They were tears of relief, my Son was more than okay, he was Joyful and still sharing in my life with me! You used the exact phrases he did and even spoke like him. I had no doubt that he was right there with us! Not only did you give me messages from my Son, but also from my Father and my Grandmother in Spirit who were taking care of my Son in Heaven.

You gave me such peace and comfort, validations and knowledge of Heaven, that it does it exist and our Loved ones do live on in Spirit, hearing us, seeing us and giving us signs. You gave me the courage to make the conscious choice from that day forward, to live in the present moment where my Son Bobby is now, knowing I can make new memories with him and I do not need to dwell in the past. You changed this grieving Mothers life for the better and through you, your Reiki and Spiritual Courses, I am now a "Connected Mother". I would not be here today, if it were not for you. You are an Earth Angel who has a wonderful gift and you take it a step further and do an hour or more readings free for Grieving parents. You have helped so many Grieving parents on this sad path we must walk. You are a true Godsend and I for one am so Grateful and Thankful for you. God Bless You and all you do to help others, you are a Blessing. xoxo, 
Lori Ann N. in Avon, Massachusetts 

Hi Ruthie, I had a phone reading with you yesterday and I just wanted to quickly tell you how much it meant to me.  It was one of the most fantastic things I have ever had happen and you were spot on with everything.  I have always known my son was OK, but just having the confirmation meant so much to me.  There were so many little things you told me that I couldn't believe you were able to tell me.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are an angel in my eyes! -Melissa E. in Sioux City, Iowa

Hi Ruth, First and foremost I would like to say thank you so much for connecting me to Kyle. Words alone cannot describe the peace I feel. Bless you Ruth for doing such wonderful things with the amazing gift god has given you. My heart is filled with such peace and I thank god for giving me Kyle even for the 19 short years he was with me. I know we will be together again one day. I wish I had done this sooner. Maybe I wouldn't have struggled as bad as I have…what really made me the happiest is when you said Kyle brought in a little boy.  He cried and said all he wanted was to be the dad he never had. I knew in my heart he was now that dad…  you confirmed that. Nothing could make me happier. I knew it had to be his child that he lost. I think I got your email address from another mother on a grievance group I belong too on face book.  She too got great comfort from her reading with you.  You are truly a blessing for anyone who has lost a loved one, you bring such comfort. There is no doubt in my mind that Kyle was sending messages through you. He answered so many questions that I have had since his death. The 2 most  important was his child and his ashes. I felt I needed to spread his ashes but I had no idea where. I felt like I needed to free him not keep him in an urn. I now can keep his ashes with me and know he is free and happy.  I would like to share your site with other mothers as I know many of them could benefit from a reading. I had no doubt where Kyle is and through you he has spoken to me again and confirmed things I needed to know.  Much love to you, Jane P. in Susanville, California

After my 19 year old son, Tyler and his 3 childhood friends were all tragically killed in a car crash just ten months after high school graduation, I thought there was no way my heart could ever mend.  Tyler was my world.  Although he was the youngest of 4 children, I had a special bond with him.  My world was shattered the day that he passed.  I was desperate for someone to connect me to my son.  During our telephone Reading, Ruthie was spot on about everything!  She validated so much, including a fact about the crash that absolutely no one other than law enforcement and first responders knew! She even talked about a class ring that I didn’t even know existed that belonged to my aunt who passed away many years ago.  She told me that she saw my son holding a picture of a child’s drawing and described the picture.  I didn’t know of any such picture.  Then, the one year mark of my son’s passing, my daughter got the pictures from her laptop that had a bad hard drive.  Tyler and the boys had been at her house the night before the crash.  One of the photos was a picture of my son holding a drawing that my grandson had drawn.  It was the exact picture Ruthie had described!  This was the last picture ever taken of Tyler.  For the first time since my son and his friends passed, I felt peace, love and comfort.  She described words and phrases that my son and his friends said regularly. Gave comforting messages that made perfect sense to his siblings and to me.  And then, as the one year mark approached, Ruthie came to Maryland and met personally with all of the parents of the 4 boys lost in the crash.  She asked for nothing in return.  She simply wanted to help us parents and a community find some peace and comfort and be able to learn to live again with our sons. Everyone was so devastated following the loss of these 4 great young men.  I cannot tell you how much healing was achieved that day!  It was like countless souls coming together with love and a purpose.  She also met with some of the young people in the community including the firefighters where my son volunteered.  They were also the first responders and suffered a tremendous loss from this tragedy.  Ruthie brought them amazing comfort.  They were stunned at her insight and the personalized and meaningful messages.  We are forever grateful to Ruthie for bringing us together with our boys and showing us that our boys are still with us in Spirit!  She healed so many hearts and that is a priceless treasure that we will forever thank Ruthie for!  -Suzanne E. in Grasonville, Maryland

Ruthie is candid and compassionate and such an amazing soul. Ruthie possesses a very special gift that she so willingly uses to help others cope and heal especially bereaved parents whom she offers complimentary readings for. Ruthie I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I send so much love from my heart space to yours. You gave me such a beautiful gift and I already feel my deep healing has started. On such a very deep level...a soul level...it's hard to capture it in words. Thank you for your honesty in reporting what spirit was showing you. I will forever treasure the gift of your time and words. I am still blown away by the fact that out of all the appointments available you chose my daughter in spirits date of birth...not only her date of birth but time of her birth. Sometimes in life we run into that once in a lifetime person. Ruthie, you are so much that person...talented, gifted, down to earth, very real and a true healer. Love is something if you give it away—it comes right back to you. It's just like a magic penny; hold it tight and you won't have any but that exact penny. Lend it, spend it, give it away and you will always prosper. You are a beautiful gem! May many with hurting hearts find there way to healing and learning through you. Love, Light and Many Blessings! With warm Regards,  Jessica in Connecticut

Once again I feel wonderful after our Reiki session! I actually slept all night and also you wouldn't believe what happened today. Then again I know you will. Yesterday during the Reading you said things that only the kids and I would know. Richie said he would prove that he was around me because I would run into one of his old friends and he wanted me to say hi from him. Well, today on my way to work I stopped at a store and was in line waiting when a young man came up to me and said “Cindy, its been awhile.” I was speechless because it was a boy who used to come over all the time from age 10 until he was 14 yrs old. He and Richie then grew apart. I just looked at him and said I’m speechless but Richie said to say “hi!” He looked at me like I was crazy! I told him about the reading and he too was in disbelief as we were in another town and it was amazing that our paths crossed. If there was ever a doubt that my Alycia and Richie are still with me, the doubts are totally gone! Thank you for all you do for me and others…you are the best!
-Cindy C. in North Attleboro, Massachusetts

I have the most extraordinary spiritual relationship with my late fiancé that is better than many physical relationships here on Earth, due to my phenomenal soul connection with him and Ruthie Larkin’s incredible gift!! 

I reconnected with my high school sweetheart about two years ago.  Our relationship was beautiful for the year we had in high school and just as beautifully loving where we picked back up…like time never passed.  He passed away suddenly and unexpectedly about six months ago.  We are truly soul mates in every sense of the term, and losing him was just so absolutely devastating.   We had a life planned together that was just beginning, finally, after missing him and yet still loving him for the 24 years we were apart.   I have had two readings with Ruthie that confirmed my belief that my soul mate, my true love, is still with me without a doubt.  She also recommended books that have helped open my mind to understanding the other realm…across the veil.  The last reading I had was exactly what I needed, as I truly felt I was having a real conversation with my love, my soul mate.  It was so personal, so sweet, and so clear that Ruthie’s gift is absolutely genuine and real!  Since his passing, I have daily signs from him confirming that he has not left my side.  I feel his energy and his presence throughout the day, every day.  Ruthie has been able to confirm that the signs I receive are truly from him.  She is amazing and I highly recommend anyone who has any doubts about the hereafter, to have a reading with Ruthie.  She will enlighten you and give you a gift that you will cherish always.  I have learned that the bond between my soul and my fiancé’s soul is eternal and can never be broken.  I live my life more positively knowing that he is with me and helping me to continue my journey until we meet again.  Thank you Ruthie! -Celeste R. in Auburn, Maine

Are you "on the fence" about whether spirituality can help you understand the reality of communications from your son's or daughter's spirit?  

Dear Ruthie:  On July 22 you did a mediumship session for me by phone. I wanted to connect with my Daughter, Trista, who crossed over on June 1st due to a tragic accident. She was only 17 years old and my heart is so broken. You said some things during this call that I knew in my heart could only have come from her. I also had some other things come to light after our conversation. It helped tremendously but I think there was still a part of me wondering if she really came through. 

That doubt ended for me yesterday when I went to the mailbox. I had a card and a package from you. The card thanked me for allowing you to connect with my Beautiful Girl. You had informed me on the phone that mine was the first session you had done for a parent by phone and I'm so thankful you did that for me. In the package was a small pretty piece of rose quartz. You explained in your card that you had been guided by Trista to hold this during our session and then afterward she requested you send it to me. You explained to me that rose quartz was a heart stone and symbolized love. What you had no way of knowing is what rose quartz symbolizes to me and my Trista. Trista and I were both very open spiritually and we were interested in learning new things. One thing we had decided to try to learn about together is the magical healing properties of crystals and stones. We never got to do that. Trista left before we could. Two weeks after Trista's accident my husband and I were invited to attend a healing circle with a lot of members of our community participating. It included singing and meditation. I can't begin to describe it as I've never participated in anything like it. During the circle I went into what I can only describe as a meditative state although I've never been good at meditation. I saw my Trista, whole and beautiful. She was giving me so much love and peace. 

After the circle a woman approached me with a stone. She said she felt she had been guided to give me this piece of rose quartz. She said it was a love stone. She said is was shaped somewhat like a heart which symbolized my love for Trista. She said it was shattered inside but still strong and whole and that made it all the more beautiful just like my heart. That stone means so much to me. I felt like maybe it absorbed some of that peace and love I felt when I saw my Girl during the circle.

A couple of weeks later my Mother-in-law came to visit. She said she brought a gift for Trista's Garden. It was a large Pyramid shaped piece of rose quarts. She started to tell me what it symbolized but I told her I already know. I knew this was a sign and a symbol of the heart connection between me and my Tris. So, you can see how that piece of rose quartz you sent told me that Trista connected that day without a doubt. It was her way to say, "Mom, it really was me and I'm really OK." Thank you so much, Ruthie, for sharing your gift. You will never know the peace you gave.
-Shannon L. in Yellow Springs, Colorado

"Not only is Ruthie funny, sweet, candid and compassionate, but she also possesses a very special gift that she so willingly uses to help others cope and heal. My mother and I shared a reading with Ruthie, and she was so accurate in describing my mother’s parents – both the good traits and the unflattering ones – that it brought my mother to tears. There’s no doubt in my mind that her gift is real. She was honest, but also gentle, and she found a way to speak the truth as it came to her without it sounding harsh. Ruthie was also dead-on in explaining our family dynamic, especially how my relationship with my grandmother was very different than my mother’s relationship with her – which, as with nearly everything Ruthie said, couldn’t be just a lucky guess.  Ruthie put our minds at ease knowing our loved ones are always with us and that there is something wonderful beyond life on earth." -Jessica in Medway, Massachusetts

"From the moment I met Ruthie, I felt her warm, friendly and calming presence. She conveyed messages from family and friends that no one else would know. Our family has had a small child pass and she has helped us to find comfort with her kind and compassionate nature. Ruthie has a wonderful gift to share with all who seek comfort and peace.” -Debbie in Kennebunk, Maine

"Ruthie has such a beautiful gift and I feel so fortunate that I was able to meet with her and experience it for myself. During my session, Ruthie helped me connect with my boyfriend who passed away a few years ago, as well as my other friends who have also passed. It was so reassuring to know that they are all together and happy. The things that Ruthie brought up in the reading were unbelievable- things that only my boyfriend and I would know. Not only was she able to communicate these things to me, but she also picked up on his personality and little mannerisms. Walking out of the session, I felt so much lighter- like a weight was lifted off of my chest. I know that my boyfriend and friends who have passed are always with me and watching out for me, and my reading with Ruthie completely validated this for me. I would highly recommend Ruthie to anyone who has lost a loved one. She has given me a sense of hope, as well as closure, that I haven't had since they passed." -Jessica in Centerville, Massachusetts

"Ruth Larkin is an amazing medium who will astound anyone with the on point messages she gets from the other side. I've had the pleasure to work with her on Cape Cod where she touched so many people and brought forth messages from spirits that helped bring healing to many. Ruth has confirmed the presence of ghosts and spirits for me, a developing medium. I wrote two books about my experiences and Ruth is featured in the second one "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead" where she confirmed an historical figure that haunts a Washington, D.C. theatre. She has a gentle way of conveying messages that provide comfort and sometimes direction (depending on what the spirit wants to say). She has an affinity for helping families who lost children, who are all special to her. If you've seen Maureen Hancock, the Long Island Medium or James Van Praagh, she can proudly stand right beside them as someone who has an amazing gift and can bring healing to anyone who has lost a loved one." -Rob Gutro, Medium/Scientist/Author

"Ruthie is truly an incredible psychic medium.  I, personally, have had countless amazing readings with her as each and every one of them has been so incredibly accurate.  The mannerism in which she conveys these most important and loving messages from our loved ones is with incredible grace, unconditional love and inconceivable clarity.  She provides great comfort to those who wish to connect with their loved ones who are no longer here in the physical realm, but who are so very present in the spiritual realm.  I wholeheartedly recommend a reading with Ruthie as your experience will most definitely be one of beauty, love and joy." -Donna in Quincy, Massachusetts

"I believe everyone crosses paths with certain people in their lives for a reason; Ruthie is one of those people who crossed my path. From the first time I met her she brought comfort and warmth to me and my family while understanding our loss, a loss that shook our family to the core. Ruthie has not only helped members of our family but also friends that I recommended to her, she is a very gifted and compassionate person." -Sandra in Norfolk, Massachusetts

"I met Ruthie after the sudden death of my son John. Another grieving mother recommended her to me. Ruthie came to my home and spent time with my daughters and me.  She opened her heart and soul to us, and brought us hope.  She spoke to each of us and guided us very gently.  We are in such a fragile state, Ruthie recognizes this and guides us through our grief.  We have gained great comfort through our sessions with Ruthie.  I have also gained peace through her Reiki sessions.  I know they have opened my heart and mind.  Being a grieving parent is the hardest thing to live through.  I look forward to my sessions with Ruthie; I leave with a feeling of peace and hope.  Meditation, Reiki, and Medium Sessions are a huge part of my healing." -Jean G. in Medway, Massachusetts

"I have known Ruthie for several years.  I have found her readings to be clear, accurate and provide much healing not only to myself but to countless others.  She comes from a place of love and truly allows spirit to provide the messages we need to hear at the time we need to hear them.  Her gifts are heaven sent." -Anita R. in Canton, Massachusetts

"Ruthie Larkin is the real deal! I have known Ruthie for many years and her gifts as a medium have perfected through the years. She is not only accurate in her readings, she brings these readings true meaning and healing from her divine spirituality within and also through her expertise with other healing modalities such as REIKI, Total Body Scan and her work with crystals.  For those on the fence as to their belief in one that can communicate with the other side, one visit with Ruthie will totally blow them away!  My Dad may have passed over forty years ago, thanks to Ruthie; he is very much with me all the time! Ruthie, you are healing people, one reading at a time, how beautiful to have such a gift to give others! " -Joanie C. in Norfolk, Massachusetts

"My husband and I have been read by Ruthie many times and have always been impressed by her special gift. To me she always makes you feel your loved ones are never far away." -Sheryl B. in Canton, Massachusetts

"Ruthie is a loving and compassionate person with a very special gift to share.  She communicated messages from both my parents in ways they would have communicated with me.  My sessions with Ruthie were very beautiful, and I felt very blessed when both of  my parents came in and I could feel their presence" -Pauline K. in Quincy, Massachusetts

"My father passed away in 1975, I have had readings in the past and my father was described in very vague and general terms I felt it was very generic and not my dad.  This was definitely not the case with Ruthie, my dad came alive as she captured his vibrant outgoing personality, his enthusiasm in being able to communicate with me, he was so excited to let me know he was still in my life and able to come thru Ruthie.  He revealed beautiful childhood memories that brought me joy, it was so wonderful knowing that he is still with me; all the little details she was able to share made this an amazing experience. I never expected to have the feeling that he was right there in the same room as big as life.   

"My husband’s brother passed away 27 years ago, he was in a construction accident and he died instantly without any closure.  Our family was devastated and we miss him to this day.  Once again Ruthie was able to bring his spirit to life, we had a beautiful glimpse of my brother in law and for a moment he was with my husband again talking like brothers do, he told us things he wanted his daughter to know, he gave us messages for my mother in law that brought her peace. It was like a long awaited phone call from heaven.   

"Truly gifted people use their gifts to bring joy and peace to families. Ruthie’s ability to share her gift with us in a truly loving and compassionate manner was an experience that was priceless.  She was very specific in details that left us feeling our loved ones are fine and in spirit they are with us and still sharing in our lives.   I am very thankful to have had this truly remarkable experience." 

-Judi G. in Scottsdale, Arizona

"I've been seeing Ruthie for approximately two years.  My first time seeing her, I had my Dad's dog tag on and she picked it up telling me that my Dad told her I'd be wearing it.  Both of my parents came through together that day, and Ruthie told me that this was the first time that she had experienced this, and that it meant my folks were together for eternity!  Made me feel amazing.  I've had several readings with Ruthie with my parents, and loved ones, and they are always full of truth and things Ruthie would never know.  

"My 16 year old Akita, Gypsy was sick and died a year ago in May. Ruthie has been able to communicate with Gypsy, which is her first animal communication, and has told me Gypsy is at peace and was able to tell me many things about Gypsy so I knew it was her and Ruthie had never met her.    Ruthie is beyond amazing.  I see her often and every reading is heartwarming and makes me so happy."
-Linda B. in North Billerica, Massachusetts

"Ruthie Larkin reads with a Christ driven love with such compassion and kindness. A life changing event for me. She told me things that no one could possibly know except my mother and younger brother who have passed. The fact that she reads for people who have lost children for free is testimony to her intentions. Amazing woman. " -Kerin M. in Foxboro, Massachusetts​